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Choosing the Right Finish

Updated: Nov 27, 2023

Choosing the Right Finish

Once you choose the paint color for your home, it often feels like your decision making process is done. However the paint finish you choose is pivotal in providing you the desired effect and durability for your painting project. The good news is Malone Painting are experts in identifying your needs and helping you choose the right finish for different parts of your project. Here are the main choices you have for interior paint finishes

  1. Matte Finish: A Matte finish will give you a smooth, non-reflective surface that is extremely durable and easy to clean. If you live in an older home with less than perfect walls, a Matte finish will help conceal imperfections in the drywall or plaster.

  2. Satin Finish: A Satin finish will give you a soft sheen and is slightly reflective. If you want to brighten up a space or draw attention to an accent wall, a Satin finish could be a great choice. This type of finish will sometimes highlight imperfections in the wall so be careful in using this if you have older walls.

  3. Semi-Gloss Finish: A Semi-Gloss Finish will give you plenty of shine and is very easy to clean. However, in most cases, we find this finish it too shiny for walls and fits best with doors, door frames, trim or crown molding.

  4. Gloss Finish: A Gloss Finish gives you the highest level of shine and the most durability. If you have brand new baseboards, doors and trim, this might be a good option. The shine of the Gloss Finish will really draw attention to these accent pieces.

Choosing the Right Finish

Whenever you are choosing the finish for your paint, make sure and consider the room’s purpose, the amount of traffic it will get, the texture and quality of the walls and lighting.

The best part of hiring Malone Painting is that we are experts with this type of thing. We paint hundreds of homes every year and we have years worth of experience to help you choose the finish on your next project!

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